Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Witch Test

  • Touch test - The person afflicted with fits would become calm when touching the witch who cast the spell on them.
  • Confession by Dunking - They would dunk an accused witch in water until they finally confessed.
  • Lord's Prayer - If a person could not recite the Lord's Prayer without error, they were considered a witch.
  • Spectral evidence - The accused would claim to have seen the witch in their dreams working with the devil.
  • Submersion - In this test the accused was bound and dropped in the water. If they floated, they were considered a witch. Of course, if they didn't float, they would drown.
  • Pressing - In this test, heavy stones would be placed on the accused. This was supposed to force the confession out of the witch. Unfortunately, the person being pressed couldn't breathe to give a confession even if they wanted to. An 80 year-old man named Giles Corey was crushed to death when this test was used on him.


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