Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Testimony Of Abigail Hobbs

Below is the testimony of a sixteen-year-old accused of witchcraft, Abigail Hobbs, taken on April 19, 1692.

Judge: Abigail Hobbs, you are brought before Authority to answer to various acts of witchcraft. What say you? Are you guilty, or not? Speak the truth. 

Abigail Hobbs: I will speak the truth. I have seen sights and been scared. I have been very wicked. I hope I shall be better, if God will help me.   

Judge: What sights did you see? 

Abigail Hobbs: I have seen the Devil. 

Judge: How often, many times? 

Abigail Hobbs: But once. 

Judge: What would he have you do? 

Abigail Hobbs: Why, he would have me be a witch. 

Judge: Would he have you make a covenant with him? 

Abigail Hobbs: Yes.


Testimony: a statement taken in court to determine guilt or innocence
Covenant: a very strong promise, an agreement, a contract

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